I design future experiences enabled by new AI & robotic technologies
I’m a UX designer & researcher with over ten years of experience. I currently lead an interdisciplinary research team that explores the integration of AI & robotics into our everyday lives ⧉
Latest news.
December 2024. Our team is hiring a Human-Robot Interaction Research Scientist. Check the details and apply here!
November 2024. Our team organised the second edition of the international HRI Symposium. Check out the program recordings here!
February 2024. Our team is looking for an intern with experience in social robot navigation. Explore the details of the open position here.
About me.
I was a very young Argentinian boy when I started destroying toys and dissecting death bees to understand how things worked. Years later, I turned this curiosity into a profession (and into many hobbies). In 2013, I graduated as an Industrial Designer at the National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina, and I moved to Italy in 2015 to pursue a Master’s degree in Interaction Design at Domus Academy.
Throughout my career, I have worked as a designer in organizations of different scales, from consolidated companies to startups. I have also been involved in academic activities working in higher education institutions both in Argentina and Italy. My work sits at the intersection of design, technology, and human understanding, bluring the boundaries between the physical and the digital.
In 2018, I moved to Grenoble, France to join Naver Labs Europe and investigate the integration of the latest AI and robotic technologies into people’s daily lives. Here, I lead an interdisciplinary research team of sociologists, designers, and computer scientists. I believe in the potential of design and technology to create a more sustainable, inclusive, and enjoyable future for all.
Design needs to be plugged into human behavior.
Design dissolves in behavior.
– Naoto Fukasawa
Ongoing Research.
Socially acceptable autonomous navigation for mobile robots.
Investigating the Integration of Human-Like and Machine-Like Robot Behaviors in a Shared Elevator Scenario
Gallo et al. 2023. International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). Paper (Nominated to Best Paper Award) →
Exploring Machine-like Behaviors for Socially Acceptable Robot Navigation in Elevators
Gallo, Gonzalez-Jimenez, et al. 2022. International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). Paper (Best Paper Award) →
Considerations about Social Norms Compliance in a Shared Elevator Scenario.
Gallo et al. 2021. Workshop: Robot Behavior Adaptation to Human Social Norms (RO-MAN). Short paper →
Socially Acceptable Robot Navigation Across Dedicated and Shared Infrastructure.
Colombino, Gallo, Shreepriya, Grasso, Boulard. 2021. Workshop: Towards Explainable and Trustworthy Autonomous Physical Systems (CHI). Short paper →
Ethical design of robotic systems.
Ethical design of embodied autonomous systems
Grasso & Gallo. 2022. International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards. Paper →
A Decision Support Design Framework for Selecting a Robotic Interface
Gonzalez-Jimenez, Gallo, Sosa, Sandoval, Colombino, Grasso. 2022. International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction. Preprint →
Ethical Design of a Robot Platform for Disabled Employees: Some Practical Methodological Considerations
Colombino, Gallo, Shreepriya, Im, Cha. 2021. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, section Ethics in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Journal article →
The Impact of Organizational Properties on the Design of Robotic Support for Employees with Disabilities
Colombino, Gallo, Shreepriya. 2020. Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). Short paper →
Previous Research.
Unintrusive navigation support for runners to enable exploration.
Supporting Natural Navigation for Running in Unknown Places
Shreepriya, Willamowski, Gallo. 2019. Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS). Short paper →
Situationally Induced Impairment in Navigation Support for Runners
Shreepriya, Gallo, Viswanathan, Willamowski. 2019. Workshop: Addressing the Challenges of Situationally-Induced Impairments and Disabilities in Mobile Interaction (CHI). Short paper →
Cultural mediation for foreign travelers ordering food.
Restaurant Menu Understanding: Illustrating the Need for Culturally Augmented Translation
Gallo et al. 2020. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI). Short paper →
New strategies for design education.
A Multidisciplinary Approach To Design Education
Chiodo, Aquila, Gallo. 2018. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. Paper →
Experience Design: Storytelling and Visual Narratives
Chiodo, Aquila, Gallo. 2018. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation.